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San Francisco Bay Area

Lip Lift

Many incorrectly believe that the best way to restore youthful-looking lips is to increase lip volume. However, this is not always the case.

When you age, the distance between the base of the nose and the red of the lip expands. This process often causes the upper lip to rotate downward and inward, making the lip appear thinner.

Lip lift surgery is performed to restore the youthful height of the lip by shortening the area between the nose and lip and rotating the upper lip to reveal more of the vermillion (red part of the lip).

Why Should I Choose Dr. D’Amore for My Lip Lift?

Dr. Tancredi D’Amore is a board-certified plastic surgeon who prioritizes safety and patient comfort in addition to providing the highest quality of results that can possibly be attained.

Am I a Candidate for a Lip Lift?

Candidates for lip lift surgery are dissatisfied with the aging and thinning appearance of their lips. Patients interested in this procedure should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations of their potential results.

Lip Lift Surgery Is Beneficial for Patients Who:

  • Want to shorten the length between the base of the nose and the top of the lip
  • Want to show more vermillion (red of the upper lip)
  • Want to create a more youthful lip appearance

How Is a Lip Lift Performed?

Lip lift surgery is performed in an operating room under local or general anesthesia.

Incisions for lip lift surgery are made beneath the nostrils so that the scar is easily concealed in the natural creases. Skin and tissues are tightened to reposition the upper lip.

Dr. D’Amore’s Lip Lift Modification

A traditional lip lift only rotates the central part of the lip (not the lateral part). Dr. D’Amore performs a modification of this technique that allows him to extend this rotation to include the central and lateral portions of the upper lip without needing an additional or longer incision.

Polishing results is very important to Dr. D’Amore. Before Dr. D’Amore closes any incision, he will take the time to make small changes and achieve the best possible results attainable.

Lip lift surgery takes about 45 minutes to complete.

Should I Combine My Lip Lift With a Facelift?

Lip lift surgery is commonly performed alongside facelift surgery for a more complete facial rejuvenation. Facelift surgery addresses loose skin and tissues on the lower two-thirds of the face (from the cheeks to the jawline and neck).

Combining facial procedures often helps promote better harmony between the facial features and helps shorten the recovery period since you will heal from both procedures simultaneously.

Why Is a Surgical Lift the Optimal Procedure to Enhance the Appearance of the Lips?

While many turn to dermal fillers and other injectable treatments to enhance lip fullness, these non-surgical treatments do not address the root causes of lip aging, which is laxity and lengthening of the area between the nose and lip.

Because this treatment shortens the areas between the nose and lip and rotates the upper lip (therefore showing more red on the lips), a lip lift helps restore a more natural and youthful appearance.

How Long Is My Recovery After a Lip Lift?

Lip lift surgery is a straightforward procedure. Because the incision used for this technique is so small, it usually doesn’t require an extensive recovery period. Most patients experience minor bruising, swelling, and discomfort that can often be alleviated with OTC pain medication and cold compresses.

Total recovery after a lip lift is usually one week.

The length of your recovery may be extended if you choose to combine your lip lift with a facelift. Dr. D’Amore will provide you with a more detailed explanation of what you can expect during your consultation.

When Will I See My Lip Lift Results?

The results of your lip lift will be evident as soon as the bruising and swelling subside. This can take several days to two weeks. To see the very final results, it will take several months like any other surgical procedures.

The results of your lip lift are very long lasting; however, no cosmetic procedure can stop the natural aging process, and you may develop some additional laxity in the area over time.

Additional lines or creases can be lessened with dermabrasion or sanding of the skin.

How Much Does a Lip Lift Cost in San Francisco, CA?

Dr. D’Amore tailors your lip lift surgery to your specific needs. Therefore, pricing will vary depending on the extent of your procedure and whether any other facial procedures are performed. You will be given an accurate cost estimate during your consultation that will take all factors into consideration.

Interested in Learning More About Lip Lift Surgery?

If you are looking to learn more about how you can benefit from a lip lift, contact Dr. D’Amore today by calling (415) 927-7660 or filling out our online contact form.